Title: Freedom and Control Pairing: Junsu/Yoochun Summary: A famous singer and a coffee shop owner play very different roles in their public, and in their private, married life (birthday fic for BE-DDELUSIONALL) Warnings: BDSM, bondage
Title: Fascination Length: One-shot Pairing: HoMin Summary: This is what I see in HoMin's L'EAU DE MISSHA commercial (and what I assume happens after). Feel free to share your interpretation.
Title: Captain and King Length: One-shot Pairing: JaeHo Rating: NC-17 Summary: Jaejoong knows he's not allowed to ask for his prince's heart, but a prince can give what he wants.
Title: Bench Dream Length: One-shot Pairing: MinChun, bff!YooSu Rating: NC-17 Summary: Yoochun thinks he should stop dreaming about sex with his favourite idol. It's never going to happen. Right? warnings: rough sex, underage sex (but you can imagine he's legal if you want to)
Title: Scream for the Maknae Length: MinJae sequel to Yell at the Leader Pairing: MinJae, ninja!MinHo Rating: NC-17 Summary: Jaejoong gets punished. Warning: Toys
Title: Yell at the Leader Length: One-shot Pairing: JunChun, MinJae Rating: NC-17 Summary: Yoochun is a crybaby, Jaejoong is mean, Yunho gets yelled at.